Friday, January 6, 2017

Water Waste Exposed at NAFEM 2017

This year at NAFEM, there’s no doubt many restaurant operators will be seeking solutions to cut waste, whether the focus is on food, money, packaging, resources, or all of the above. While Server has many waste reduction solutions, the ConserveWell hits a few target areas while also promoting a healthier work environment.
Visit us at booth #612 to see our new ConserveWell display featuring a real-time reminder of just how much water these dipper wells waste. From the moment NAFEM begins until the last minute of the show, we’ll track how many gallons of water are sent down the drain.
A dipper well’s stream of water doesn’t stop when you’re not rinsing utensils; it keeps running until it’s shut off – a step that is sometimes overlooked in the long list of closing duties. Or what if your restaurant operates 24 hours? It’s also important to take into account the cost of water waste treatment for each individual region because as the gallon counter increases, so will the fee.
The ConserveWell doesn’t require running water; instead, about one quart of water is heated to 145°F – a temperature at which bacteria can’t grow – and changed out every four hours.
The benefits will be obvious when you see a live comparison between the traditional dipper well and Server’s ConserveWell. Not only will you cut costs and conserve resources, you’ll ensure your customer’s safety in a time when health and cleanliness are more important than ever.